Artist Sabiha Hasan Sumbul views on Abstract art

Art is a vast realm where creativity knows no boundaries. It is a platform where artists can freely express their thoughts and emotions, capturing them within the confines of a canvas or any other medium they choose. The beauty of art lies in its subjective nature, and this is particularly evident in the realm of abstract art.

Abstract art is a unique form of artistic expression that challenges traditional notions of representation. Unlike realistic or figurative art, abstract art does not try to portray a recognizable object or convey a specific message. Instead, it invites the viewer to delve into the realm of imagination, to explore the depths of their own interpretation.

In abstract art, the artist guides us through a visual journey, using elements such as color, lines, and texture to evoke emotions and stimulate our senses. It is a language of its own, where the canvas becomes a playground for experimentation and innovation. Through this form of expression, artists can push the boundaries of what is conventional and explore new possibilities.

One of the fascinating aspects of abstract art is the way it bypasses our preconceived notions and forces us to challenge our understanding of the world. As humans, we tend to associate objects with familiar shapes and forms that we have stored in our memory. However, when confronted with a non-representational piece of art, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. Our minds grapple with the unfamiliar, trying to make sense of something that cannot be easily categorized or defined.

This is where the true power of abstract art lies. It has the ability to transport us to a world beyond reality, a realm where imagination reigns supreme. The artist’s brush strokes become a window into their innermost thoughts and emotions, inviting us to join them on an introspective journey.

Abstract art is not merely a visual stimulus; it is an experience. It allows us to explore our own emotions and thoughts, offering a mirror through which we can reflect upon our own experiences. Each viewer brings their own unique perspective to the artwork, interpreting it in a way that resonates with their own personal narrative.

Critics of abstract art may argue that it lacks a clear message or purpose. However, that is precisely the allure of this artistic form – its ambiguity and versatility. Abstract art does not dictate what we should see or feel; it encourages us to let go of our inhibitions and embrace the unknown. It challenges us to think outside the box and explore the depths of our own imagination.

In conclusion, abstract art is a testament to the boundless creativity and freedom of expression that art offers. It transcends the limitations of representation, inviting us to delve into the realm of the unknown and embrace the beauty of ambiguity. It is a language of emotions, a visual symphony that allows us to explore the depths of our own consciousness. So let us embrace abstract art with an open mind, for within its enigmatic brushstrokes lies a world waiting to be discovered.